Team Training
Improved Sports Performance
Team Training is the option for any Club, High School, College, or Professional sports team to receive elite level Strength and Conditioning. All training is directed towards improving performance in the given sport. I whole heartedly believe the foundation of any great strength and conditioning program is found in developing relationships, in order to form trust and a belief in the process. Without this, all of the science in the world can't make your team better.
Small Group Training
Immersed in a Strong and Supportive Culture
$60 1 session/person
$200 4 sessions/person
$360 8 sessions/person
$480 12 sessions/person
Small Group Training (SGT) is my recommended and most popular option. When you sign up for SGT you will receive your own personalized program, directed towards accomplishing your goals. Any hour may have up to six clients training at once. There is no Workout Of the Day (WOD) that everyone is performing together. This is you and a handful of other clients all following your own program at the same time.

Private Training
Personalized Training
$80 1 session
$300 4 sessions
$560 8 sessions
$820 12 Sessions
With Private training you will be getting approximately one hour of one on one attention. Some situations require more focus than can be provided in a small group or team setting. Check out this option if you're dealing with a limitation, returning from an injury, preparing for a Pro Day or Showcasing, or simply if you prefer training alone.

Virtual Consultation
30min-60min Zoom Q&A
$30/30 minutes
Virtual Consultation is a way for you to ask questions and bounce ideas off of a professional in the industry. These consultations usually consist of questions about a training routine, equipment purchases, form assessment, or general exercise advice. Don't worry about searching through hundred of T-Nation blog posts, just call and ask.

Reflexive Performance Reset
Neuromuscular Reset $50
RPR is a simple system of breathing and hands on manual therapy techniques that are used to shift your body out of its survival driven compensation patterns, reduce pain, increase flexibility, and help your body become more resilient to injury.
Online Programming
Expert Programming for Independent Use $100/Month
Online programming allows you to continue training on your own, at your gym of choice, with whomever you want, with some expert guidance on what to do. Simply send a brief description of what you're looking to get out of training and equipment you have to work with, and I'll send you 4 week of programming.